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Rail B5100B Bending

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B5100B (6109B) Bending Rail 

1-7/8" w x 2-7/8" h with Mould

Outside Beads applied after rail is bent (2 processes to bending this rail).

Construction:  Solid - All plies solid and laminated. Exceptions: Alder may have 1-joint in 10'-16'. Beech may have 1-joint 12'-16'. Birch may have 1 joint 10'-16'; Walnut may have 1-joint in 7'-10' and 2 joints in 11'-16'. White Oak may have 1-joint 12'-16', bottom plies may have 2-joints.  Other species for orders exceeding 30% of 16' long, rail may include up to 1 joint per ply.

                   Email for a quote on lengths between 8' and 24'.

The Run, Rise and Radius must be constant where Bending Rail is used. The minimum recommended radius to use Bending Rail successfully on Rake Rails is 30 for 5100B.  The minimum recommended radius to use Bending Rail successfully on Balcony Rails is 36 for this profile.
NOTE: Wood is a natural material and different pieces may bend differently.  More than one attempt may be necessary to obtain the radius you need even if your radius is within the recommended radius. Bending rails that break during the bending process are not a manufactured defect.  Pre-bent rail is available for tight radius or other applications. Call for a quotation - 800-518-0781.

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