All Traditional profiles in one place.
 Back Bands for casing thickness from 3/4" to 1-3/4"
 Bar Moulds for 1/2" or 3/4" plywood cut outs.
 Hardwood Base in Traditional, Embossed and Mon Reale.
 Includes Shiplap and Tongue & Groove
 Crown (Pinch) Blocks, Plinth/Base Blocks, Corner Casing Blocks and Keystones
 Hardwood Casing: Traditional, Embossed and Mon Reale.
 Hardwood Chair Rail. Traditional and Embossed
 Hardwood Base. Traditional, Embossed, Carved and Mon Reale.
 Accent your door opening with a header and cap mould
 Most profiles stock in Stain Grade Poplar, Red Oak, Soft Maple and Cherry.
 Available in Mon RealeĀ® (Poplar overlay) and Ornamental Embossed.
 Glass Bead secures the glass while adding a finished look.
 Shoe, Cove, Stringer, Head, OSC, Lattice, Quarter & Half Round, and Screen bead.
 Panel moulds including half rounds.
 Several sizes to choose from - all in 8'0" long.
 Rabbeted Stools (or window sills) available in 3 styles
 Close-Out: Contact us for quantity pricing!
 100's of profiles to choose from - Use on the interior or exterior of your structure.
 Featuring Flexible mouldings in thousands of patterns for windows, doors, floors and more.
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