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Porch & Deck Systems

Fypon Balustrade
Available in 5", 7" and 12". The size designates the width of the top and bottom rail.
HBG Balustrade Systems
Primed White; 25 year warranty
HBG PermaRail Plus
Lengths 4', 6', 8', 10' & 12'. 10 year Finish Warranty, 25 year Product Warranty.
Porch Systems - Wood
Two Series (H2-H3) with Rail, Newels and Balusters.
Post Tops - Exterior
Wood and Urethane
Gingerbread Porch Trim
Porch Spandrels, Connectors, and Fan Brackets will add a touch of elegance to any porch.
HBG PermaPorch Discontinued
Pre-finished White. 10/25 year Limited Warranty
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