Turned Posts 44 Series: Close-Out Thickness: 2-1/2" and 3-1/4"
Heights: 36", 48", 60", 72" and 96"
Product will ship as either Stain Grade Hemlock or Stain Grade Poplar depending on which specie is in stock.
*96" posts will be cut to 94" to reduce shipping costs or call for quote on 96" at (800) 518-0781 or
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Specifications subject to Change:
C44 2-1/2" x 36": Top Block: 5-3/4"; Turned Area: 22-3/4"; Bottom Block: 7-1/2"
C44 2-1/2" x 48": Top Block: 6"; Turned Area: 32"; Bottom Block: 10"
C44 2-1/2" x 60": Top Block: 6"; Turned Area: 42"; Bottom Block: 12"
C44 2-1/2" x 72": Top Block: 10"; Turned Area: 42-1/8"; Bottom Block: 19-7/8"
*C44 2-1/2" x 96": Top Block: 16"; Turned Area: 46"; Bottom Block: 34"
B44 3-1/4" x 48": Top Block: 6-1/4"; Turned Area: 31-3/4"; Bottom Block: 10"
B44 3-1/4" x 60": Top Block: 6"; Turned Area: 42"; Bottom Block: 12"
B44 3-1/4" x 72": Top Block: 10"; Turned Area: 42-1/8"; Bottom Block: 19-7/8"
*B44 3-1/4" x 96": Top Block: 16"; Turned Area: 46"; Bottom Block: 34"
Close-outs are NOT returnable.