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Size Selection: Use 1-1/2" of cupola width for every foot of unbroken roofline. (Example: 24 feet, minimum cupola should be about 36" square)
When using more than one cupola per roof use 1" of cupola for every foot of unbroken roofline. (Example: 24 feet, minimum cupola should be about 24" square).

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Choice of Aluminum or Copper Roof - Need to shingle the roof - Call Us!
Displaying products 1 - 8 of 8 results
Cupola Cedar-18
Cupola Cedar-18
18-1/4" x 21-1/2" (Roof Width x Overall Height) Maximum Roof Pitch up to 8/12. Suggested for buildings 22' & smaller
Cupola Cedar-24
Cupola Cedar-24
21-1/4" x 25" (Roof Width x Overall Height) Suggested for buildings Up to 22' Long. For Max Roof Pitch 8/12.
Cupola Cedar-27
Cupola Cedar-27
24-1/4" x 26" (Roof Width x Overall Height). Max. Roof Pitch 7/12. Suggested for buildings 15 - 25' Long.
with Copper Roof
Cupola Cedar-30
Cupola Cedar-30
27" x 31" (Roof Width x Overall Height). Roof Pitch up to 8/12. Suggested for buildings 20 - 35' Long.
Cupola Cedar-36
Cupola Cedar-36
34-1/2" x 33" (Roof Width x Overall Height). Maximum Roof Pitch 7/12. Suggested for buildings 30 - 45' Long.
Cupola Cedar-42
Cupola Cedar-42
40-1/2" x 40" (Roof Width x Overall Height). Maximum Roof Pitch 8/12. Suggested for buildings 40 - 55' Long.
Copper Roof
Cupola Cedar-48
Cupola Cedar-48
46-1/2" x 42" (Roof Width x Overall Height).Maximum Roof Pitch 7/12. Suggested for buildings 50' & longer.
Cupola Cedar-Window 4 Light
Price: Email for quote, include your Zip Code
Cupola Cedar-Window 4 Light
Available in sizes ranging from 12"w to 127" overall height. Special Order - Not returnable.
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