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Rail B5400S

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Rail Length:
B5400S (6400) Solid

2-3/4" w x 2-1/4" h (3" wide on bottom). 
For start with a B24__

Available with a 1-3/4"  Plow,  or 2" Plow. (Plowed Handrails are Not Returnable).
Solid Laminated Rail:  Email for quote on lengths 8'-24'.
Solid Laminated Rail Notes: 16' lengths may ship as 15'6" and will be billed as 16'.

                    Construction:  Solid - All plies solid and laminated. Exceptions: Alder may have 1-joint in 10'-16'. Beech may have 1-joint 12'-16'. Birch may have 1 joint 10'-16'; Walnut may have 1-joint in 7'-10' and 2 joints in 11'-16'. White Oak may have 1-joint 12'-16', bottom plies may have 2-joints.  Other species for orders exceeding 30% of 16' long, rail may include up to 1 joint per ply.

Alder is clear and may have tight pin knots. (Call for quote on Knotty Alder)
Hickory has both heartwood and sapwood. A range of colors is not a defect.

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