Rail Fillet B5262S
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B5262S Fillet - for use with rail plowed for 2" square balusters.
Fillet is used in between each baluster. Order by the foot (4 foot minimum) Don't forget to include the amount you may need for the shoe rail and the top rail if plowed.
Enter in the Quantity box the number of feet required. (EX: If you have 20 feet of rail, you will need 20 feet of fillet, less the footage that the balusters take up.)
FIllet is shipped in small lengths - if longer lengths are required please send in a quote request and the following applies:
Alder may have 1 joint in 10' - 16' lengths. Beech may have 1 joint in 12' - 16' lengths. Walnut may have 1 joint in 7' - 10' lengths and 2 joints in 11' - 16' White Oak may have 1 to 2 joint in 12' - 16' lengthsWood Specie Options
Price: Email for quote, include your Zip Code
2-1/2 inw x 3/4"h - for 2 in Balusters
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